Today, owning and running a business involves making use of the Internet and all that it can offer by way of your online presence. Online presence concerns itself with everything from your social media channels to your website design and ...

A digital audit is similar to your financial audits, but are the assessments of your digital strata and whereabouts. This is an audit conducted to review if your company’s online practices are yielding fruitful results. These audits help you get ...

4K gaming monitors have quite a lot of edge over TV monitors for gaming. Whilst having a simple TV monitor is still OK if you're not a gaming enthusiast, but if you're someone who spends hours and hours in playing ...

Circular economy' is one of the more popular buzzwords (or buzz phrases, perhaps) among the most stringent supporters of environmental responsibility. The concept is by no means bad. Indeed, a truly circular economy would offer benefits at nearly every level. ...

Considering constraints like restricted resources and limited understanding of cybersecurity, it is quite obvious for many small business & startup founders to feel vulnerable to hackers and cybercriminals. Recent reports suggest that that at least one out of ten small ...

Your press release must be structured in such a way that you would like thousands of people to read it, because that is of course the intention! The advantage of press releases is that these messages are also sometimes forwarded ...