How is fraud prevention carried out?
Fundamentally, email addresses are scored by our Fraud Prevention service using the following important parameters and data:
Date of initial observation: When our company first came upon the email address
Longevity: A rating that shows the time at which our company came across the email address
Velocity: A number that indicates how active the email address has been throughout the previous six months
Popularity: A number that indicates how well-liked the email was over the last 12 months across all sources.
Verification: uses proprietary ways to highlight email addresses that are unsafe or incorrect.
Domain Check: Prevents harmful or dangerous domain names
Tumbling Check: Identify scammers who use many incarnations of the same email address
Fraud Consortium: Recognises phoney emails that our network has reported.
Know more about email fraud checker
Many claim that an email’s date of first view is usually a reliable sign of its validity. However, popularity and velocity also have a place. Additionally, the client may obtain good insight into the validity of an email and its level of usage when these data points are combined with first-party data and analysis. Less fraudulent or malevolent leads, consumer enquiries, and transactions result from this.
Red Flags for an email address: Too many digits
Concern should be expressed if there are more than four digits or if the consecutive numbers don’t match the birth year.
The use of obscenities, whose email address contains profanity?
Too long or too short of a handle generally, you can determine whether an email address is too short, although most domains include guidelines on email address length if you need assistance determining.
The email has no identity indication. Individuals like personalising their email addresses with their names and/or birthdates. One of them is definitely a fake if the email address is missing.
Multiple emails with the same phone number. The same burner phone number is frequently associated to fraudulent emails using two-factor authentication. Pay attention to this.
Several emails in a similar format: Consider this: what is the likelihood that, for instance, you will come across [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] filing rental applications.
The grammar of fraudulent emails is frequently the same, with only one or two characters different.One of the simplest pieces of information to create is an email address. While creating an email address is free and can be done from the comforts of home, creating a new social security number or credit history is definitely more involved.
Actual Emails Maintain the Integrity of Your CRM
Every industry has a high prevalence of fraudulent data, including lead generation, short-term loans, ticket resellers, and, paradoxically, fraud technology businesses. Even if there are more fraudulent email attempts in some areas than in others, this doesn’t mean that your company can’t gain from the Fraud Prevention service.